Providing the Fire Service throughout the United States and Canada with exceptionally trained canines to detect the presence of ignitable liquid residues often used to start, or spread, intentionally set fires.

Meet the Dogs

Dogs possess up to 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses. Humans in comparison have approximately 6 million. Meet some of the dogs that work for you and your community.

Support for Handlers

Every dog partners, resides, and collaborates with a fire investigator as their handler. Following their first certification together, fire dogs and their handlers must undergo recertification annually.

Reducing Risk in Communities

Fire dogs and their handlers are active in outreach programs engaging in fire prevention, safety, and awareness for the communities they serve.

The program pairs and trains handlers from the U.S. and Canada with ignitable liquid detection canines to combat the crime of arson, promote awareness, and reduce risk within our communities. Every year arson inflicts billions of dollars in property damage and claims numerous lives.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.